Muslim Baby Names, Islamic names with meanings.



The Muslim Baby Name Ibrahim


Muslims are of the strong belief that whenever they have to work upon something in their life, they always will take the directions that Allah Almighty has set because that is the only way one can succeed in life and hereafter. All the little things matter quite a lot because they can ultimately affect they can then help you q ... Read more

Muslim name Hashim and its Linked Details

Given the best names present in the Holy Quran for the Muslim baby boys makes it very easy for the parents to look into a very authentic source for quickly choosing a name. Most parents know that the names that are directly linked to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or the Allah Almighty himself are pretty much very fruitful for the child when they start ... Read more




Names of Allah:
We have 99 names of Allah on our we site. Allah's names are added with meanings. It is a great blessing to read and remember Allah's name by heart. Allah's name, when used for human beings, should start with Abdul.




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Our database has been complied using various reliable sources, but we do not take any responsibility for the authenticity of these names.
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